Administrative Board


The Administrative Board of YUDE controls and oversees all the university activities and has powers and duties to exercise authority over matters relating to certain administrative and financial functions of the university and to student affairs regarding discipline, health, stipend, sports and cultural activities.

Rector: Dr. Nu Nu Yi

Pro-rector: Dr. Mya Mya Khin

Pro-rector: Dr. Nilar Kyu

Members of Officials
Rector, University of Yangon : Dr. Tin Maung Tun
Member, Township administrative officer, Kamayut Township, Department of General Administration
Head of Dept. of Academic Affairs : U Than Sein

Nominated Members
Dr. Mya Mya Khin, Pro-Rector, Yangon University of Distance Education
Dr. Nilar Kyu, Pro-Rector, Yangon University of Distance Education
Dr. Theingi Cho, Professor of Oriental Studies Dept., YUDE 
Dr. Tin Htay Ei , Professor of Law Dept., YUDE 
Dr. Thida Lay Thwe , Professor of Zoology Dept., YUDE 
Dr. Myat Sandar Hla,  of Chemistry Dept., YUDE 

U Than Hlaing, Head of Admin & finance

Last modified: Monday, 6 January 2025, 3:12 PM